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What to Know Before Considering Sugar Gliders as Pets

The popularity of sugar gliders has grown to a big extent. Gliders are not rodents but marsupials in the same family as kangaroos. They have proven to offer many benefits compared to other household pets. With proper training, they can master their name, come when called and do tricks. Below are some of the things you should know before considering sugar gliders as pets. See sugar glider cages

Health. There is a variety of ailments that can affect sugar gliders. These include metabolic bone diseases as a result of inappropriate nutrition, diarrhea due to feeding on too many fruits, parasites and injuries from gliding and being stuck.

Diet. While in the wild, sugar gliders feed on numerous different foods that are in season. They are omnivores and should eat specific diets that experts and zoos recommend. These include blended diets utilizing vitamins, fruits, honey, and baby food, among other ingredients supplemented with fresh items like vegetables, fruits, and insects. Some pet stores sell formulated pre-packaged diets but they are should not be used as a staple food because they are nutritionally incomplete. Sugar gliders’ requirements have changed as more is discovered about them. View https://www.sugargliderinfo.org/pages/questions-answers 

The temperament and behavior of sugar gliders. Sugar gliders need companionship and are much social. This enables them to bond with those who own them. However, even if you are able to offer much-needed attention and time with your sugar glider, it is not ideal to rear one glider. In the wild, these animals live in colonies of up to thirty gliders and have their language. Keeping one glider can result in them developing mental, emotional, and behavioral or even physical issues. If not several gliders, consider rearing more than one in a flight cage. You cannot provide socialization and companionship similar to what gliders provide each other with. Also, you cannot replace the grooming, bonding, and vocalizations they offer each other.

Size, origin, and lifespan. The body of a glider measures about 6 inches in length and the tail is approximately 6 inches. It weighs about 100-160 grams. Sugar gliders originated from Australia, Tasmania, Guinea, Papua New, many surrounding islands as well as parts of Indonesia. You can find them in the rainforests as they glide from a tree to another. They make their dwellings in tree hollows. It is rare for them to touch the ground. In regard to lifespan, gliders are long-term as they can live between ten to fifteen years in captivity.

More on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAX58IE34JE